Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Next Level of Self

 Joy is the food of the soul! ....Bob Trask

Let’s find and remove those thinking glitches that keep us from being, doing and having all we are worthy of. You already know it is not an easy task because you’ve been working at it for a long time. And what makes it doubly hard is that the mind overseeing the changes is the same mind that needs to be changed; truly like having the fox guard the henhouse.

But through our Higher Minds and with the wisdom of the ages flowing through us, we can do it. It begins by  having a clear vision of what you would like to be, do and have and then writing it down. It cannot be what you should do, but what you want to do; that which will give you joy. Then notice, and even write if you will, the mental and emotional obstacles that lie between you and your visions.

Need a hint? Here are three examples of weakness from my swamp-mind.
     1- The belief that letting go of “my notion of truth” would leave me empty.
     2- My need to see evidence of success before I will take a risk.
     3- My spiritual laziness; my unwillingness to see myself as an eternal soul rather than a body and mind.

You will notice these are all based on mistrust and I’ll bet yours are too. Mistrust is a block beyond which none of us can advance. So what is trust? It is acknowledging that as a perfect child of this Universe you are here for a divine purpose and that you have been neither abandoned nor neglected by the Great Mind that brought you here. But unless you are aware of and focused upon your true nature and your individual mission you can never experience the joyful Grace that is waiting to empower you and your mission.

Come with me and see in your imagination, a creative area in a sunny meadow where people come to work, each doing that which brings him or her joy and fulfillment. In this area are many committed souls, each practicing talents and skills slightly different than those around them. There are singers, teachers, engineers, writers, scientists, painters, thinkers and more. Together they are part of a Master Plan and their combined efforts are building something grand—a world that works for everyone.

Around the outside of our work area is a vast field of distractions. Some of them are necessary periodic outlets for workers who need a break. Yet if we look across that space we will see people who have never come into the work area. They spend their entire lives chasing illusory signs of self-satisfaction; to amass money, to become more attractive or to just get through each day with toils that neither fulfill their hearts nor reward their souls. They wouldn’t be out there, away from their true spiritual centers if they could only know and trust in who they really are.

What is your vision? It needn’t be a world-shaking lifetime goal, it can start wherever Great Spirit is pointing you at this moment, maybe to reunite with an old friend, to buy a watercolor set and paint a picture, to write a poem or story or to teach a class. Begin at the beginning and let the yarn unfold as it is supposed to and it will knit something marvelous.

Everything you read in these messages is explored in detail in my book Romancing The Soul, Your Personal Guide to Living Free.

*  Let me help make your vision come true by being your personal coach! Mail to: 

A Bit of Humor for You:
Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, and decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. "I may look like just an ordinary man," he said as he walked up to her "but in just a week or two, my father will die, and I'll inherit 20 million dollars."
Impressed, the woman went home with him that evening and, three days later, she became his stepmother.
Women are so much smarter than men.

Our Hero of The Week:
Last week I heard a radio voice say: “Consider the nature of a father who would give his son's life that others might live.” Then the strangest thing happened to me; I thought he was talking about a father who sent his son to war to die for our freedom, but he was talking about God!

Yet, how about the more than eight thousand fathers and mothers who have given the lives of their sons and daughters to the current wars of our presidents? Add Vietnam and there is another one hundred thousand, counting PTSD suicides. Whether or not we agree with those wars, the fact remains that these parents willingly sacrificed their beloved children so we might live. God bless them all!

Each of you parents is our hero this week. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and we send you our blessings.


  1. This week I am appreciating the importance of living in joy and keeping the vision as the rutter to all choices and actions. All serves the vision if that is indeed where my focus lies. Thank you for your wisdom and teaching!
