Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just Show up and Miracles Will Happen

Enlightenment is not a goal, but a path!Bob Trask

I was guiding a wilderness trek in a Canadian rain forest. We had been scrambling in a drizzle all morning, up a wet slope covered with slick fir needles that made climbing almost impossible. We clambered over or crawled under enormous moss-draped logs for hours, finally reached the top where we emerged into a beautiful grassy glade. In the center was a downed log straddled by a giant grizzly bear, ripping it to shreds in search for grubs. She looked at us for a moment, then turned and ambled off into the forest.

We sat against the log, rested and ate our lunches. After while I called out: “Okay gang, let’s move on.”

“Move on where?” Asked a woman for whom this was a first wilderness expedition. “Look around us, the forest is solid; we can’t penetrate that!”

It’s true, from where we stood donning our packs, the forest ahead was so thick with bushes and trees and vines that did seem impenetrable. I took a compass bearing and we continued across the meadow to the wall of trees where we discovered what we could not have seen from our previous position: that there was space between the trees. We walked between the first of them and, as we continued, easily found ways to get around or over other trees, vines and ferns taller than our heads. When we finally rested again, the same woman said, “Hey, I learned something back there! That forest looked like a solid wall. Now I’m wondering if it applies to other areas of my life; if when it seems impossible to go farther, I just need to get committed and start moving and then things will open up.”

I have always found that the dreams I want to reach look impossible from where I am. That’s why they are dreams. If they were possible now, I’d already have them. But we oftentimes let our fears and concerns keep us from moving forward and then all the reasons that we can’t have what we want stand together as a forest and seem solid. All my life I have had an insatiable hunger for learning and a head full of ideas about what I could be, do and have. Like everyone else I was told I couldn’t do it- but the fires of my passion were too bright for that darkness. I just never doubted that I would eventually win.

So how does one do it? How do you reach the vision you have tucked so fondly in your heart and mind? Perhaps you have given up, or slipped it away in a drawer until “someday later” when it may seem more practical? If we had not set a compass course, gotten up and started moving- trusting that the trees would open as we moved closer to them, we’d still be sitting atop that mountain waiting for loggers or for the bear to come back.

Try this: show up. Just show up! What that means is that you don’t have to have all the answers. If you want to write a book, do as my friend Dr. Perry Chinn just did with his book; Soaring Beyond Fear- just write it! But, you might ask; “What about sentence structure and paragraph balances and research and agents and publishers and marketing etc. etc.? Those are not the concern, the only thing that needs to be in your mind now is to get up off the log, put away your lunch stuff, put on your pack and start off in the direction of your dreams and just keep moving. You have lived a life filled with lessons and adventures and within that journey are messages to communicate. Maybe it will or won’t be a bestseller, no one ever knows. But your friends and children will read it and learn more about you and will respect you more. Maybe it isn’t a book, maybe it’s a wilderness trek, or a business or something even more exciting to you. Don’t wait. Take the first steps today and keep on stepping until you reach your dream. And here is good news; every step of the way will build more clarity, courage and confidence in you.

The compass, maps and directions you’ll need for your journey are in my book Romancing The Soul, Your Personal Guide to Living Free. With only a few hundred left, this treasure is still available in a first-edition hardback for only $29.95 at Amazon. Com. Used copies on Amazon are now over $77, so this seems to be a very good investment. Buy it now at:

What would it be worth to you to have a personal, professional coach standing with you from now on? Someone who understands your dreams and how to achieve them? Someone who can guide you through troubled waters and help you arrive at fulfillment? Bob Trask has assisted thousands of people to reach their dreams. He can be available for you by phone, email or in person. Call now! 425- 577-0556 or email:

A Bit of Humor for You:
One night, as The Lone Ranger and his Indian pal Tonto were camping in the desert they crawled into their tent and fell fast asleep.
Some hours later, Tonto awakened his partner and said; “Look up towards sky and tell me what you see.”
The Lone Ranger raised himself on one elbow, studied the heavens and smiled: “Well, my friend, I see millions of beautiful stars.”
“And what do they tell you?” asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger sat up then, wrapped his arms around his knees, pondered the galaxy and finally said; “Okay here it is: -Astronomically speaking, they tell me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. -Astrologically, they tell me Saturn is in Leo. -Time-wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. -Theologically, the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. -Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Now tell me what do you get when you look up there?”
Tonto shook his head; “Hey man; someone stole our tent!”

Our Hero for the Week
Into his twenties, Will Noyes was a top athlete who regularly played soccer and practiced Karate. He loved life, loved running and dancing and being free. Then tragedy struck twice: he suffered a back injury during a Karate exercise and later slipped on oil in a parking lot and suddenly he was immobilized; flat in bed with such pain he could barely move. For three months his back and joints were inflamed and racked with pain. During those months his entire body locked up. Doctors said it was Ankylosing Spondylitis and there was nothing to be done except to take various prescriptions; drugs that over the years have had such a devastating effect that one destroyed part of his digestive tract and required extensive, emergency surgery to save his life. In spite of the drugs he has taken for the past thirty-two years Will's body was mostly frozen, with his back twisted and bent; he was barely able to move about.

Yet giving up was just not in Will Noyes- he still had the heart of a competing athlete and continually said he would one day be running on a beach and dancing with his wife. All who met him were greeted with his little-kid smile and a curious mind that wondered how he could be of help. Then, a few months ago Will discovered a natural drink that changed his life. All at once his pain disappeared and he began feeling sensations in areas that had long been numb. He kept drinking the supplement and then cautiously weaned himself from all his prescription medications. He is now prescription free and says it is because elements in the drink drastically reduce inflammation in a natural way. With his inflammation gone, he must still correct the damage it did to his system over the years; but with his attitude, it will surely be done. As proof, his back has straightened, he is gaining more flexibility every day and is walking for blocks with only the help of his canes.

Will is our hero because he has never given up; has continued to be proactive in business and in his community and to greet the world with a smile. Yet there is more to this story; Will is not only getting better, he is seeking out others who are suffering from illnesses of any kind and helping them find what they need to heal. For his fearless enthusiasm and his constant caring for others we are proud to make Will Noyes our hero for the week.

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