Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Don’t sink With Your Boat!

“We see with our brains, not with our eyes.”
From The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge MD

A friend’s boat sank under him and suddenly he found himself a mile from shore in heavy seas without a lifejacket. For some time he struggled to stay afloat; dogpaddling and trying to float on his back. But eventually the cold sapped his energy and he knew he was probably going to die. Then, just as all seemed lost, he reached an epiphany; a transformation of thought that changed his life. He realized in a flash of light that for years he had been surviving, surviving his divorce, surviving his troubled business and surviving his loneliness. With new clarity he saw that he had been living with his power turned off; hunkered down in the corner of his life hoping things would change.

It was then that he realized the stark difference between surviving and thriving. He could fight to stay afloat until he was either rescued or sank beneath the waves; or he could start swimming toward the distant shore. In either situation he might die, but in swimming he had a purpose, a positive one that would energize him with a divine energy that only comes to those who have claimed a goal and have the determination to reach it. With the Grace of the Universe flowing into him his life would take on a positive meaning; he would have purpose.

Those of us who find ourselves in trouble because we’ve lost our job, our money has run out, we’re in severe pain, our health is failing, our relationships are on the rocks, we are frightened and alone; we are no different than my friend struggling to save his life; we can choose to hang on the surface of the water and pray and hope, or we can put those prayers and wishes into action and take the necessary risks to create a new paradigm and get committed to it. Vision is our connection with Great Spirit, The Universe; Truth with a capital T and Reality with a capital R.

You are not alone unless you are in survival. The Creative Intelligence that is in all things knows who you are, and will partner with you in your venture as long as your aim is beyond where you are now, and you are committed to it. What dream would you like to fulfill? What must change in order for that to happen? Will the fear of that change sink you? Or will you turn it into energy, get focused on an exciting vision then strategize the mission steps to get there? Please, don’t think it impossible; make 2011 the year you move beyond self-doubt and accomplish your highest dream. When you use the Triangle in my book Romancing the Soul you will see miracles happen.

Please forward this to anyone who might benefit by it with my blessing.

I’m available for personal coaching; call: 425-868-8448 or write: bob@arasfoundation.org

A Bit of Humor For You:
A senior citizen pushing his new Corvette convertible past 80 mph, looked in the mirror and saw a State Trooper, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this!" He pulled over.
As the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looking at his watch. “Sir,” he said, “my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding—one I've never heard before —I just might let you go."
The old gentleman paused then said: "Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”
"Keep your speed down and have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper.

Our Hero:
Don Kirchner realized too late how he had violated his personal honor and the dignity upon which he based his life when he was arrested years ago for flying drugs out of Mexico. It was a personal epiphany that changed and empowered his life and that turned his prison time into the beginning of his life’s work. With a new clarity and purpose, Don began assisting other inmates in seeing the opportunities that still awaited them; he helped them restore their personal honor and start building meaningful lives. So effectively and widely did his teachings influence the entire prison population that he gained praise from the warden and other authorities and an early release. But Don Kirchner was not through; he then wrote the topselling book; Return to Honor, and created an organization by that name that helps ex-inmates live with integrity and purpose. Check it out at, http://returntohonor.org

"The national average for repeat crime (recidivism) is nearly 70%. Just a 10% reduction would be nearly 500,000 people. For altruists, who want to save lives and futures, that's a lot of lives. For economists, who want to save money, that's a lot of money. For all of us, that would be a huge step toward mending lives, families, and our communities, creating not just a return, but a return to honor as a nation built on redemption and compassion for all its people." - Don Kirchner

For your constant courage and untiring effectiveness in helping our brothers and sisters return as solid, responsible citizens, Don Kirchner, you are our hero.

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